Mr. Tye's Year 3 Newspaper Class

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    Week 6-9 Assignments

    Mr. Tye
    Mr. Tye

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Week 6-9 Assignments

    Post  Mr. Tye Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:51 pm

    This is a combination of the last few chapters we have studied.

    Please choose whether you want to write about business or agriculture.

    #1- BUSINESS CHOICE rabbit

    Summarize an article pertaining to business.
    -Was the article interesting?
    -Was there any jargon?
    -How could the article be improved for a wider understanding from readers?

    #2- AGRICULTURE CHOICE scratch

    Summarize an article about agriculture, or the countryside.
    -Was the article readable and acceptable for less educated people?
    -What issue does this bring to the attention of the public, and what solutions can it bring?

    Due date is November 27th. Cool

    DON'T BE LAZY!!! Sleep

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Melinda

    Post  Melinda-4 Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:51 pm


    After the computer firm Hewlett-Packard swallo wing a high charge to close down its WebOS business, it has unveiled a 91% fall in fourth-quarter profits. Since new chief executive Meg Whitman took over that, he taken many measures and a series of plan to developed for improve the economic efficiency of the company.

    In my opinion, this is a interesting business news, because it is about the company of HP which my familiy computer was product by this brand. Although many jargon in this news, such as, commercial computing hardware and software, tablet, WebOS software, and smartphone market. Many human-interest and feature plot has wrote in this news, for instance a good expaination has given why HP unveiled a huge fall and some familier information like tablet and smartphone. Meanwhile some simplify figures that can be improved for a wider understanding from readers.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty A Village's Five-Year Plan

    Post  helen4 Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:02 pm
    Helen class 4
    A country this year marked the beginning of the harvest season, so they constituted a village’s five-year plan. As in most local villages, villagers make a living from their fields. They grow crops such as corn, soybeans, millet and wild pepper. In recent years, walnut production has gradually become the most important source of income for the whole village. And the government receives state financial support to produce a five-year plan so that they could each establish clear development strategies in light of their specific conditions. And there is no surprise that the walnut industry as the village's dominant industry. In addition, the study found that walnut has good market prospects. The five-year plan says that village will become the country's first model village. But the top priority of the five-year plan was solving the water problem. Because of villagers are lacks of drinking water.
    From my perspective, improving villager’s living standard is a best way. And it is acceptable for villagers and government. But villagers must carefully think about their own strengths and weaknesses. And other villages began to pay greater attention to making their own five-year plans, which indicates that more farmers, who used to leave their fate to the luck of a bumper grain harvest, have learned to plan their own future.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Agriculture

    Post  Mary&rongrong Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:23 pm

    Name: Mary, Class4 Grade 3.
    This news is about agriculture.
    This article mainly discussed the price of grains and effects on different countries. Historically, mid-east countries imported a great many products, especially corns to meet the needs of people. Meanwhile, America got a lot of benefits in the process. However, this situation has recently been changed into the opposite. Because of the price, Ukrainian corn prices undermined US export. Then American government took some actions to change the situation. They got into a furious competition.
    This article is readable for less educated people. They are farmers. They must and wanna sell crops, like corns. So it is really necessary to know some information, especially price. And it is not very hard to understand the contents.
    The competition is so furious that it would affect the relationship among countries. May be it will get better that one of powerful countries select some new export markets
    Alice Class 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Alice class4

    Post  Alice Class 4 Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:22 pm

    Alice class4
    Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has signed a deal under which he will step down after months of unrest. Mr Saleh signed the agreement, brokered by Yemen's Gulf Arab neighbours, in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.
    Under the plan, he will transfer his powers to his deputy ahead of an early election and in return will get immunity from prosecution. But protesters rallying in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, said they would reject any deal giving the president immunity.
    The deal envisages that Mr Saleh will remain an honorary president for three months after signing the agreement. He also called on all Yemenis to be partners in rebuilding the conflict-torn country. The breakthrough comes after intensive talks in Yemen by the UN envoy to the country, Jamal Benomar
    We are proud of we live in china, we have harmonies, peaceful environment, we value it and we feel extremely happiness. We could not imagine the realign where the war happened, people are suffered lots of sufferings, we call at give us a peaceful world, we hate war!

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty kelly4

    Post  kelly4 Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:26 pm

    Another tragedy happened in China these days. In Gansu Province Nineteen children and two adults were killed in a minibus witch can only sit 9 people. All of the other 43 children, between the ages of three and five years old, were injured in the 16 November crash. Li Jungang, the chairman of the kindergarten, was arrested on charges of causing a traffic accident," parents of children who died would receive compensation of 436,000 yuan ($68,500, £43,500). The privately run kindergarten is to be closed, Xinhua reported, and replaced with a publicly run facility.
    Not until the tragedy happened the government would take actions to prevent them from happening. Why shouldn’t they pay more attention to these disastrous events in advance ? How poor the children and the parents are.

    Jenny class 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Agriculture

    Post  Jenny class 4 Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:45 am

    Name: Jenny class4
    This news informed that the Ministry of Commerce said that as production will diminish during the winter ,vegetable prices rose for the second consecutive week and the price of production will likely continue to rise. And according to the news we know that with vegetable production decreasing during the winter, vegetable prices will continue to increase in the near future. From this I want to say that China is facing a great challenge of the economic inflation. This will also influenced the people’s purchasing ability. These two kinds problem will be interact as both cause and effect, the result is these issues can become a vicious circle. Nowadays a lot of farmers don’t want to stay in the countryside to do farm work anymore, because they also want to live a better life just like us. And the money they have earned even could not support the bare necessities life not to mention to let their children to go to primary school. So I think that our government should publish some documents in order to release these serious issues such as to enlarge the number of farmers or give farmers more welfare. And the government should not only pay attention to the area or the people who are rich but also has to do the effort to help the poor remote area and poor people especially the poor farmers in order to reduce the wealth gap.Because as we all know that China is a big country with large of population, so if we haven not a large numbers of farmers who product enough food to the whole country, our country will face a serious vital problem. That is to say we could not to support ourselves even live with the bare necessities our life. So how did the people do believe that the government's promises will come true which is to lead a better life for us.

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Trees 'boost African crop yields and food security'

    Post  Daisy4 Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:58 am

    It is reported that planting trees can improve soil quality and help boost crop yields for African farmers. Nowadays, Africa is faced with a problem of lacking soil fertility and it is one of the main obstacles to improving food production. After a long time of study, the scientists find that the best way to solve this problem is to bring in other types of nutrients from ‘fertilizer tree systems’. Because the scientists find that there are many kinds of nutrients in trees which are soil needed and the root of trees can secure a good water supply even in dry years. Furthermore, there are also studies showing that these roots act as conduits and bring up water to surface root systems.

    In my opinion, making full use of trees is an excellent way to boost crop yields and food security. It is acceptable by government because it is environmental and people can eat the green food without pollution. Nowadays, in order to make more profit, the businessmen always use chemical fertilizers to promote plants growth. Therefore, the food we eat is so unhealthy that we have some strange diseases. This is a serious problem. So the government should advocate ‘fertilizer tree systems’ widely. flower
    Jessica 4
    Jessica 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty What benifit can famers get?

    Post  Jessica 4 Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:18 pm

    An investment group from Australia has unveiled a $600 million plan to create a massive farm project in Cambodia. The investors say the project would create jobs in an impoverished country, and helped improve farming methods for the undeveloped - yet vital - agriculture sector.
    However, human rights workers are concerned that deal, and others like it, will do little to help Cambodia's rural poor. Because previous farm-industry deals have worked against ordinary Cambodians because of corruption, poor governance and often-violent land evictions. Poor farmers often were kicked off the land and because of Cambodia's inadequate land-ownership records, often received no compensation. So they winded up with no farm, no home and no way to start over. The government’s had sold the most of the land to private enterprise, but the poor were lost the right mostly. For the poor say the risk is that the government will simply seize any land it wants, and those farming the land will have no legal protection. Sad
    Well-established system of corruption, a lack of checks and balances to ensure that poor communities, indigenous communities are not victimized by any kind of major agro-industry deals where sizable pieces of land are sold to private companies; the collusion of all state actors from the village up to the national level. As the result that poor one couldn’t get more land and money in essence. Government should give more right to farmers and occupy their profit but set up useless farm project. cat

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty business

    Post  Aprilclass4 Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:33 pm


    Every year, there is the Singles' Day but this year is special. We saw that the date was 2011.11/11, we meat it a special day. Lovers made that day as a valentine's day, even though the singles maybe it is a relaxing day. So the businessmen made a good use of this opportunity especially the trade on the internet. They made the sales promotion, and it result in several problems happened. Expressage company sent the goods slowly, the lower prestige of seller, the vocation of internet trade not very consummate. From other, we can find that internet trade is becoming more and more popular, like a kind of lifestyle. Maybe the goverment should make attention to this kind of business.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Latin American free trade treaty with the special effects and distribution of agriculture

    Post  Sally4 Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:49 pm

    People November 25 hearing, according to Spain's "Uprising News" reported today, October 12 After years of debate, Congress finally approved with Colombia, Colombia and South Korea's free trade treaty will particularly affect the country's agriculture and income distribution.The White House has announced three treaty will give U.S. $ 13 million annual increase in exports, and create 250,000 jobs.After Congress approved the treaty in the United States, President Santos said that the treaty will make the country more than one percentage point of economic growth, exports increased by 6%. But the Colombian economist En Xisuo that the free trade treaty with the United States will undermine Colombia's agriculture and all sectors of the economy and not a monopoly business, increasing unemployment and exploitation of workers, plundering the country's natural wealth.Senator Luo Bulai to say, the treaty will affect all sectors of the economy in Colombia, particularly in agricultural areas. Corn, rice, milk and other products will be out of the deal stage, the only benefit will be a small number of multinational and Colombian importers. He asked the agriculture and animal husbandry were to fight in order to avoid this situation. geek
    I think it is very difficult to readable for less educated people.People will not purchase price or similar imported goods more expensive products than the U.S. national product, inability of small producers and traders with the United States productivity and cost competitiveness.As the asymmetry of the treaty, Panama can not share the U.S. government to provide large subsidies to the agricultural sector, some industrial and agricultural products which will cause problems in the tax period. scratch

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Huayi Brothers and the new business of Chinese blockbusters

    Post  Amy4 Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:01 am
    This piece of news is talked about the developing of the Wang Zhongjun and his brother's media company(HuaYi brothers).The process of development is quite hard.At the beginning,they do not have enough money to running the firm .and later,they suffered lots of difficulties.But after they make great efforts to pursue the dream,the company improved step by step and changed more and more successful now. Wang Zhongjun believes that there are good prospects for future expansion for the entertainment industry in China, particularly if the strong economic growth in the country and the Asia-Pacific region continues. He wants his company to take full advantage of the opportunities he see ahead; his dream is for Huayi Brothers to become "a film-making giant".

    I think this piece of news is not very interesting,maybe because it is about business,so it's looks more serious.But there is no jargons at all,people can understand it completely.If the news gives more examples that readers familiar with and more data about their media works,the article will be improved for a wider understanding from readers. flower

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty BUSINESS

    Post  tony Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:25 pm

    The development of China's economy was heralded in good direction but also exist some problems. We see China has all good advantages of development: health workforce, large financial reserves, heavy on the international stage a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment. But we pay too much attention on the image and neglect the people that should be considered so that they are in crisis.

    We should be active in thinking and problem solving method and serve the people, get out of the dilemma and grasp the development opportunities in China . We should solve the current crisis of water resources and into action as soon as possible. I believe that through our continuous efforts, we can walk out of predicament and greet new brilliant.

    Flora yang

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty

    Post  Flora yang Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:50 pm

    flora yang
    1.It is about a Japanese company called is mainly about industry , technology problem and it's market in the future.
    2.It is not that interesting.But it tell the truth of the development of Epson company.
    3.NO, this article didn't use the jargon. it is easy to understand for normal people.
    4.Maybe, I think it can put some gossip things in the article. I know it is a serious topic to talk about, but we can put some humor elements in it. Maybe can attack more attentions to this.
    Erica of clsaa 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty India to open market to global supermarket chains

    Post  Erica of clsaa 4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:09 am
    Erica of class 4

    India has approved long-awaited proposals to open up the retail market to global supermarket chains.
    Consumers will have many more choices, will truly be a borderless world in terms of products available.Everything has its two aspects,in a sence,this suggestion is a good idea,but not everybody can accept it.However,for a long-term basis,maybe it can put into practice.,which consumers are convenient to shop,also they can buy everything they want to.
    But this is a politically sensitive and divisive issue. Opposition parties and traditional local businesses are likely to try and block FDI in retail from being implemented.
    Monica class 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Weak Bond Sale Tests Germany’s Stature in Crisis

    Post  Monica class 4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:02 pm

    [b]In terms of economic strength, Germany does enable to largely dictate how the euro region will cope with the debt crisis. But due to Wednesday weak auction of selling government bonds, its stable stature in the European Debt Crisis was shaken. Sad Instead of having made any improvements, the failure of Germany and the European Central Bank to take significant steps to address the region’s debt crisis would mean “the risk of a euro breakup increases.” affraid

    Personally speaking, the successive resigns of the presidents of Greek and Italy resulted from the European Debt Crisis have been catching people’s eyes all over the world, so this pieces of news does have the ability to attract readers attention in a large extent. Smile But it is a little bit difficult to understand, because there are some jargons in it. Question To this point, maybe it is thoughtful of editors and publishers to make a chart with some figures so that readers can understand it in a simple and direct way flower [b]
    Catherine of class 4

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty France and Germany plan changes to EU treaties

    Post  Catherine of class 4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:11 pm

    After the meeting of Italian Minister Mario Monti, Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy came a day after a German bond auction failed to raise the target amount Crying or Very sad , Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Nicolas Sarkozy are to propose modifications to EU treaties designed to improve governance of the euro zone: more integration, more discipline and more convergence of the economies:cheers: .

    In my opinion, this piece of news is not very interesting and does have many jargons, because this topic is too much serious and political. However, it is not very difficult to understand sunny .

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Re: Week 6-9 Assignments

    Post  sunnyclass4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:40 pm

    ending use of child soilders in smalia
    nowadays it is reported that the government taking steps to ending the recruitment of child soliders. and the offercials said that there would be focal points in the government that will work on the issue of children in armed conflict. And that the TFG will enter into an action plan with the United Nations to release children that are in their ranks. And that they allow the U.N. to come and verify whether there are more children. And to also work with UNICEF on the reintegration of those children .they pointed that doing this case is to work though interlocutors and have the influence on others and this ation has attracted two groups to join in :South Sudan and Al-Shabab.

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Re: Week 6-9 Assignments

    Post  sunnyclass4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:10 pm

    It is reported that Italy forced to pay record interest rates at auction because only when the government raises new money at debt auctions.The rate of interest for the new debts due to be repaid in six months was 6.504% higher than last month.The Bank of Italy stressed that demand for the bonds had been high, with demand for the debts outstripping supply by 50%.and this news put high presure to Italy. bounce The Italian government's implied cost of borrowing, based on the price at which its debts are traded on financial markets, has risen steadily over the last few weeks to levels seen as unsustainable in the long-term.Mr Rehn pointed that ahead lies either the slow disintegration of the euro area or a significant strengthening of the monetary union.
    personally speaking ,this news to Italy is not only imply the finacial problem to Italy but also indicats the problem to the whole Europe. Sleep

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Bank of China opens new branch in Japan

    Post  christina Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:06 pm

    The Kobe Branch of the Bank of China opened to the public for business in Kobe, western Japan on Friday. This is the sixth branch established in Japan by the Bank of China.In recent years, as the economic relations between China and Japan developed rapidly, the Bank of Japan also saw a great development in its business in Japan, Li said, noting that the bank ranks firs both in business scale and earnings among China's commercial banks that have set up branches in Japan.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Microsoft said looking over Yahoo financial data

    Post  christina Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:22 pm

    Microsoft Corp, the largest software company, has signed an agreement that lets it take a closer look at Yahoo Inc's financial information to help it consider financing a bid.Yahoo's advisers asked that bids be submitted next week, said two other people, who asked not to be identified because the talks are private.Microsoft forged a 10-year agreement to provide search-technology to Yahoo sites under Bartz. The deal was aimed at helping both companies vie with Google, the leader in US search-related advertising.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Lindaclass4 Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:29 pm

    title:India to open market to global supermarket chains


    This news talk about the India has approved long-awaited proposals to open up the retail market to global supermarket chains. Food Minister KV Thomas said the cabinet has agreed to 51% foreign ownership of multi-brand retail stores, allowing groups like Wal-Mart and Tesco to open stores."Consumers will have many more choices," said Gibson Vedamani, of the Retailers Association of India. "It will truly be a borderless world in terms of products available." Some people support it but others against.
    I think it is a interesting news and there are some jargon, maybe
    it can write some example and Tell us some details about the benefits of chain supermarkets.

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