Mr. Tye's Year 3 Newspaper Class

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    Week 6-9 Assignments

    Mr. Tye
    Mr. Tye

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Week 6-9 Assignments

    Post  Mr. Tye Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:51 pm

    This is a combination of the last few chapters we have studied.

    Please choose whether you want to write about business or agriculture.

    #1- BUSINESS CHOICE rabbit

    Summarize an article pertaining to business.
    -Was the article interesting?
    -Was there any jargon?
    -How could the article be improved for a wider understanding from readers?

    #2- AGRICULTURE CHOICE scratch

    Summarize an article about agriculture, or the countryside.
    -Was the article readable and acceptable for less educated people?
    -What issue does this bring to the attention of the public, and what solutions can it bring?

    Due date is November 27th. Cool

    DON'T BE LAZY!!! Sleep

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Tina2 Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:57 pm

    The European Union has been forced to accept a 2% rise in its budget next year ,much less than the increase it wanted of around 5%.
    Several EU governments, including the UK, had argued the demands by the European Parliament and Commission were "unrealistic" in a time of austerity.
    EU negotiators settled for 2% after 15 hours of talks ending in the early hours of Saturday morning.
    The British government said the result was an "excellent" deal for the UK.
    "We have stopped the European Commission and European Parliament's inflation-busting proposals and have delivered on the government's promise to freeze the EU budget in real terms," said Britain's Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Mark Hoban.
    The Commission had asked for 4.9% while the parliament wanted 5.2%
    "Throughout this process, we have argued that, with member states facing tough decisions on spending at home, we could not afford these unrealistic demands," he added.
    He said the focus would now move on to negotiations on the EU's long-term budget, for the period 2014-2020, with the UK expecting similar restraint in the face of a Commission request for 5% more.

    It is not interesting.
    no jargon.
    may be can use the examples and discuss some things around us to attract us .
    Annie 2

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    Age : 33
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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Annie 2 Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:23 pm

    During the recently concluded G20 summit in Cannes and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Honolulu, President Hu Jintao announced that China would give duty-free status to 97 percent of the tariff items of exports to China from the LDCs, provided they have diplomatic relations with his country.
    This decision to grant zero-tariff status to some least developed countries (LDCs) has drawn positive responses from the international community.
    Affected by the current economic crisis, LDCs' total exports dropped from $176.7 billion in 2008 to 156.3 billion in 2010, according to Zeljka Kozul-Wright, an economist with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
    China's tariff reduction and exemption will further enhance the economic exchanges between Afghanistan and China and benefit the economic growth, reconstruction and development of the war-torn Afghanistan,
    China has a large domestic consumer market. Tariff reductions and exemptions from China will expand Afghanistan's exports, helping promote the domestic economy of the Central Asian country.As the world's largest developing country, China has taken measures such as forgiving debt and openning market to support the LDCs' economy and share with them the achievement of the development.
    China has set an example in helping the LDCs.

    It's not interesting,it has jargon.and I think maybe it's a explosive news.the title attracts readers want to know what was happened...


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Elaine2 Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:15 pm

    Three years ago,a global financial crisis hit many countries.Of course,it makes a Significant influence on China.Many Chinese exporters an hoped things would soon get better but the conditions have gotten worse in recent months.came
    So the business leaders and government officials came up with some ideas.They thought they had to invest more in technology and innovation to make goods more competitive in the global market.This is the only way they can choose for many exporters.It is difficult for smaller companines.
    The European debt crisis which started in Greece is spreading and it influence the global economic growth.Because of currency appreciation, nobody wants to make and accept long-term orders.So many smaller companies have died out.

    It is not interesting.It has jargons.Some famous businessman told us the sistution we are facing now.They told readers how the global financial crisis influenced our country.
    Sophie 2

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2011-09-10

    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Sophie 2 Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:47 pm

    The Macro Euro-China Entrepreneurs Club has signed an agreement with the government of the northeastern province of Heilongjiang to help 100 European firms attend the China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair (HTF) next year.
    It is said that the club would use its networks to help 100 firms from 15 European countries join the fair set for June 18-20, 2012.
    Chu Zhihui, a commerce official in Heilongjiang, said the club's member firms had expressed interest in machinery, automobile production, agricultural food processing and environmental projects in China.
    The club, based in Paris, is a non-profit organization in partnership with 100 partner European business and trade associations to provide matchmaking services for European firms to find investment opportunities in Asia.
    The HTF has been held for 22 years in Heilongjiang, which borders Russia, seeing $17.82billion worth of overseas-related contracts signed at the session last year.
    The annual fair is jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, along with the local government.
    It is not interesting.
    There are some jargons
    I think because it is about the economic relationship china and other countries ,it is leap over many countries.Also i think the title is very attractive.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Katherine

    Post  Katherine2 Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:13 pm

    Chinese companies are facing even tougher business conditions now than during the 2008 global crisis, according to a survey of more than 4,000 companies.The findings follow a three-part survey of businesses nationwide, conducted in 2006, 2008 and 2010. More than 90 percent of the 4,230 companies interviewed in 2010 were small and medium-sized enterprises.Some of the problems highlighted include supplementary levies charged by local governments, regional protectionism and difficulty in obtaining support for financing, said Fan Gang, director of the National Economics Research Institute at the China Reform Foundation, which helped compile the report.Liu Shijin, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said the development of small business will be an essential element in helping China emulate the high incomes and living standards seen in developed economies.
    "In countries like Brazil and Mexico, where monopolies still have a strong foothold, per capita GDP still lags behind the levels in high-income countries, whereas people in Japan and South Korea enjoy a higher level of personal income because of a boom in private enterprises," Liu said.
    He suggested that the government should encourage more competition, especially in basic industries and the service sectors.

    This artical is not interesting.
    There have some jargons.

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2011-09-03

    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Joy Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:52 pm

    summary:Italy forced to pay record interest rates in a10bn euro($13bn; £9bn) auction of treasury bills.The rate of interest for the new debts due to be repaid in six months was 6.504%,and the rate of return has rose to the highest level since the founding of the euro.
    The article is not interesting maybe to the Italian it was very terriable news
    .And in this article has many jargon such as :treasury bills etc.The editor use many number to show the phenomenon and also quote others.
    Rose class2

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Rose class2 Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:51 pm

    S3 Graphics, a unit of Taiwan's HTC,had accused Apple of infringing four patents, which it said were used widely in a range of Apple products. S3, which makes image compression technology, filed a complaint with trade agency, ITC, in May 2010. The legal battle over patents between HTC of Taiwan and Apple in the US is part of the sales war.Apple is embroiled in numerous patent disputes in many countries, most famously with Samsung. The US International Trade Commission (ITC) said its investigation into the matter between Apple and S3 had been terminated.
    It is not interesting,and it has jorgon,if there is more specific description about the special patent to attract people’s interests,it will be better.

    Posts : 4
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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Emma2

    Post  Emma2 Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:13 pm

    Summary:Global stocks fell Wednesday after more evidence emerged that the global economy is faltering fast and that the eurozone is heading for a recession as the debt crisis spreads to the bigger economies like Italy and Spain.
    Following figures Tuesday that showed the U.S. economy grew less than anticipated in the third quarter, the bad news has piled up for investors. With China's economy suffering a fall in manufacturing activity as well, there are clear signs that the eurozone economy is heading back into recession and that's knocked sentiment in stock markets again.
    In my opinion:The economies crisis attracks all over the world,not only the European.Chian also faced with a big challenges.
    It is not interesting.It has jargons.The editor use it's effect to the countries to show the phenomenon and attractive us.

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Amy2

    Post  Amy2 Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:01 pm

    Just as millions of Chinese homebuyers expected, new home prices have continued to fall nationwide as increasing inventories and continued government curbs push property developers to court more buyers. China Vanke, the country's largest real estate developer by market value, has led the wave of sales by lowering prices for units at its housing projects in many cities, including Beijing and Shanghai and in south China's Guangdong Province starting this month.
    Guo Jianbo, President of Inland Real Estate, explains why housing prices have dropped.
    "Once the leading developers in the real estate market start cutting prices, others will follow. Originally, there are some agreements in the industry so no developers sell houses at lower prices. However, when the agreement is broken, there will be a silent combat between developers and homebuyers."
    Guo says he believes the ongoing strict government curbs will bring a fundamental change in the direction the real estate market has taken for the last 10 years.
    It is very interesting.
    There have no jargon.
    I think because it is a hot topic in china and every common people focus on. Also I think the title is very attractive.

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    Age : 33
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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Flora

    Post  Flora Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:44 pm

    Summary:I choose business.
    Australia approves Foster's sale to SABMiller.The government has approved brewer SABMiller's 9.9bn Australian dollars ($10.2bn; £6.5bn) takeover of Foster's.SABMiller has agreed to a number of undertakings which recognise the significance of Foster's to their economy and to their community, and support Australian jobs.Last week, SABMiller raised its cash takeover offer for Foster's to $5.40 a share.This happened because a tax change.
    This news for me is interseting,and it has no jargon.In order to be easy to understand,it can add some specific pictures to illustrate.Pepole like to drink beer or wine.If it add this into news,it can be more intimate.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Cindy#2 Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:52 pm

    Summary:This article is about Blacks Leisure whose profits dropped recently because of the weak trading.Although it reported that the firm was taking action to stimulate the sales, its share price was still down over 90% since January. Blacks said that compare with other retailers, their loses were more worse.Retail analyst said that the outlook of this firm was uncertain and it needed an acceptable solution to improve the situation.In 2011, several chife leaders have resigned.
    I think this news is a little bit interesting.Maybe there are some jargons.It can use some more simple words and some exact examples to make peolpe undrestand it easily.
    Alice class2

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Business

    Post  Alice class2 Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:39 pm

    Travel firm Thomas Cook has reached agreement with its bankers to provide it with new access to funding.
    Shares in the company fell 75% on Tuesday after it said it was in talks about increasing borrowings.
    Its bankers, including Barclays, HSBC, RBS and UniCredit, have agreed to provide a new £200m facility until 30 April 2013.
    The new deal replaces the £100m short-term credit agreement announced on 21 October 2011.
    At the end of September the firm's net debt was just under £900m. The new loan will take the figure to over £1bn.
    The company has stressed that it is not currently in breach of the terms of any of its loans, and said it wanted the new loans to "improve its resilience if trading conditions remain difficult".
    Thomas Cook has said it will issue its preliminary financial results, for the 12 months ending on 30 September 2011, during the week beginning 12 December 2011.
    I think it is not interesting,I don't like to read it.There are some jargon.Maybe it can give some examples for readers.

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Re: Week 6-9 Assignments

    Post  April Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:46 pm


    Headline:Bank of China opens new branch in Japan

    Summary: The sixth branch of the Bank of China opened to the public for business in Kobe, western Japan on Friday 。This event shows that in recent years ,the economic relations between China and Japan developed rapidly.

    This is a piece of common news not very interesting
    There is no jargon
    This news uses many simple words so it is easy to be understood.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Agriculture

    Post  Susan2 Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:18 pm

    On April 13, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Bank of China signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation for Leading Enterprises in Agriculture Industrialization in Beijing, in which it was agreed that ABC will extend a RMB 120 billion credit line to the development program of leading enterprises and the construction of agriculture industrialization demonstration zones.I think it is readable for the less aducated man, Agriculture industrialization is a decisive move in China's agro-related development, and a key method to modernize agriculture and transform its operation mode ABC plays an important role in the modern rural financial system and is known as the first large commercial bank to offer specialized financial services for agriculture industrialization in China.


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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Shandong province------the vegetable price fell for six times

    Post  Mary Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:56 pm

    According to Shandong province agriculture department of agricultural information network that 35 kinds of vegetable price monitoring, Shandong Province vegetable price already fell for 6 consecutive weeks, the cumulative decline is 26%. Especially in the leafy vegetable prices fell significantly. Lettuce, coriander, spinach, cabbage, Cole, cabbage’s price went down more than 40%.
    ,the potato’ price down rapidly, and what’s the worse, more potatoes are still under earth, for the good harvest of last year misunderstand peasant to grow unimaginable amount of potatoes,
    I think that we have a lot of things to do in the field of agriculture in the future, first, the peasants should lean more about the relationship between the markets and what to grow. Second, the government should give them necessary support of technology. Third, the media should pay more attention to the agriculture, and broadcast them truly

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    Week 6-9 Assignments Empty Hillary Class2

    Post  Hillary Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:30 pm

    A new chamber of commerce has been established to help companies challenge in foreign markets.Some of China's largest private companies have decided to unite to develop overseas markets, as an increasing number of them aspire to develop into global players. Their aim is that private companies will help each other in overseas investment.Some people said internationalization has become the strategy for many Chinese companies,They need to develop on a global scale and be internationally competitive.They compete by offering the lowest price possible, and hurt each other as a result.
    I think this article is not very interesting,but it is easy to understand.It is better thatif there are more examples.

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