Mr. Tye's Year 3 Newspaper Class

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    Week 3/4 Assignments

    Mr. Tye
    Mr. Tye

    Posts : 41
    Join date : 2011-08-21
    Age : 37
    Location : Baotou, Inner Mongolia

    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Week 3/4 Assignments

    Post  Mr. Tye Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:08 pm

    Hello everyone.

    If you have posted your first assignment, you are now free to post the week 3/4 assignment.

    PLEASE CLICK newReply Twisted Evil

    DON'T CLICK NEW TOPIC!!! Evil or Very Mad

    It took me a long time to clean up all of the Week 1/2 assignments and put them in the right place.


    Choose an article like last time, but change it's lead and it's headline.
    You can follow my example below.

    NAME: Mr. Tye

    HEADLINE: A Kink in the Wall; UN could make it fall (CHANGE THE HEADLINE)

    LEAD: Recently, at the UN headquarters, both the nation of Palestine, and the nation of Israel appeal for the separation of their countries. Both nations have long waited for the day that they could see both of their countries recognized separately.


    Due date is September 26th cheers

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Susan

    Post  susan Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:06 pm

    Headline:Italy's sovereign debt rating cut by S&P
    Lead:Recently,Italy has had its sovereign debt rating cut by Standard & Poor's to face the growth crisis and reduce the fear of the eurozone.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Rose__Class3

    Post  Rose__class3 Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:49 pm

    Headline:China sets new world record with hybrid rice yield
    Lead:Yuan longping, academician of Chinese Academy of Engendering and known as "father of hybrid rice",who started developing hybrid rice in the 1960s.The yield of China's hybrid rice breed, which is known as super rice, has exceeded 900 kg per mu (0.067 hectare), setting a new world record in rice output,according to China's Hunan provincial academy of agriculture at a press conference on Sep19 . His research team reached the target unit yield of 700 kg per mu and 800 kg per mu in 1999 and 2005, respectively, setting world records both times.The average unit yield had increased by 15 percent.Yuan believes the yield could eventually increase further to 1,000 kg per mu.


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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty kelly

    Post  kelly Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:25 pm

    Name: Kelly
    Headline: H5N1——a new virus
    Lead: On 21st Sept , a new kind of virus was reported in Indian .It was found in the animals . The government took measures to controll it. The virus is spread to another places now.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Jennifer

    Post  Jennifer Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:22 pm

    Headline:Palestinians to push U.N. bid despite Obama
    Lead:President Obama told the United Nations on Wednesday there was no short cut to Middle East peace but Palestinians said they would press on with a request for U.N. recognition of their nascent state.


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    Age : 33
    Location : Baotou

    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Re: Week 3/4 Assignments

    Post  Nancy3 Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:36 pm

    Lead:Because of the Torrential rains have pounded the province since Sept. 16, bringing water levels on the Qujiang River to 267.8 meters on Monday morning at the Sanhui monitoring station, the Qujiang River passed through southwest China's Sichuan Province on Wednesday, leaving 25 people dead and 14 others missing.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Re: Week 3/4 Assignments

    Post  霍瑞峰Jade Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:35 pm

    China’s healthcare more accessible

    Health Minister Chen Zhu told the Harvard America-China Health Summit in Boston on Wednesday, China's reform of its healthcare system has been very good improvement. The govermenr gave more subsidy of the healthcare.
    China's reform of its healthcare system, dubbed "Healthy China 2020", began three years ago and aims to provide universal national health service.
    The US may be the world's biggest healthcare spender, but it wants to learn from the Chinese experience, said Sherry Glied with the US Department of Health and Human Services.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty April3

    Post  April3 Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:57 pm
    9.11 Incident causes a sensation throughout the country, 2001 terrorists hijacked the plane hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington historical event.
    September 11, 2001, at four airliners flying over the New York World Trade Center, for the plane collision incident, the World Trade Center skyscrapers, the collapse came tumbling into ruins, causing more than thousands people were killed.
    Although September 11th took painful life for people, they are always staunch.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty my news about 9.11

    Post  sheely Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:22 pm

    my name: lovely sheely(oh yeah~)
    my link :
    to sum up this news:nearly 3000 people died in the terrorist attack on the world trade center in new york on september11.2001. this accident make thousands of rescuers in dangerous.
    when the attack was happen,police and firefighters fighted with toxic cloudsto save people.Dr.michael Crane says some 20000 september 11 responders have been treated in the program.Ken George was a recovery worker.He spend 700 hours to check his disease,so he must eat many pills and suffer from endless pain.
    At the same time,many people likely infect cancer.
    War is cruel,many many people pay amount of price.Bulid a new family on the ruin soil is precent-people's dream. Crying or Very sad

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Does Palestine also want to join in United Nations?

    Post  Emma Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:39 am

    Link :
    Headline:Does Palestine also want to join in United Nations?
    When:On September 23th 2011
    Who:Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
    Where:UN headquarters in New York
    How:gave UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon an application
    Why:UN recognition of Palestinian statehood[/list]
    jessica three

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty U.S satellite hit the earth

    Post  jessica three Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:00 pm

    NAME: Jessica


    HEADLINE: U.S satellite hit the earth


    On September 23, 2011, a defunct U.S. satellite is expected to crash down to the earth. Unluckily, nobody knows where or when exactly it will hit. This is very dangerous to the people all over the world. So everybody pay attention to the news today! But the experts also said that the public need not to worry too much. Because it will mostly likely fall into the ocean or hit an uninhabited area.

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Daisy

    Post  Daisy Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:22 pm
    US justice department paid $16 for muffins
    As we all know American is a strong country in the world. especially the economic ,On the other hand it also has some economic problems inner their country .
    Llike Senator Chuck Grassley had said“it is why US taxpayers were cynical about government ”.When we investigate about this .we find the “extravagant and wasteful" conference spending by the US justice department, like muffins( $16 ) and biscuits, also the internal audit had found it is outrage at the $8 coffees and $32-per-person snacks. Why it is became illegal thing in this big and rich country? The US owes more than $14tn and has an annual budget deficit topping $1.4tn. The justice department had spent $4,200 on 250 muffins at an August 2009 legal conference at a hotel near the White House. Also we can guess it will take place at a time when there were no strict limits on food and beverage spending. The most serious thing is the department spent $121m on more than 1,800 conferences in 2008 and 2009 – exceeding its own spending limits, according to the audit. and It spent $600,000 just on planning for five conferences. So the government take some actions to stop it become serious, at the same time the action had reduce conference spending, the first six months of this year. We can see from this news "People are outraged and rightly so." Also We should lucky to say the a congressional super committee

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Michelle

    Post  Michelle Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:21 pm

    Yemen unrest: 'Troops attack' opposition camp in Sanaa
    Government troops in Yemen have opened fire on protesters in Sanaa, killing at least one person, reports say.
    The violence comes after President Ali Abdullah Saleh earlier returned from Saudi Arabia three months after surviving an assassination attempt.
    There were also reports that late on Friday government troops tried to storm the square, which was being guarded by armed men opposed to President Saleh.
    Activists have been camped out in Change Square since January, demanding an end to Mr Saleh's decades-long rule.
    Earlier on Friday, at least 13 people reportedly died in fighting in the capital.
    "The Yemeni people have suffered enough and deserve a path towards a better future," White House spokesman Jay Carney said
    Helen 3

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Re: Week 3/4 Assignments

    Post  Helen 3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:15 pm

    Name:Helen 3
    Headline:Sir Paul McCartney admits to being ballet novice
    Lead:23 September 2011 Last updated at 05:07 ,Sir Paul McCartney, who has premiered his debut ballet score in New York, has admitted he has scant knowledge of the art form\
    Sir Paul acknowledged he had started to learn more about ballet after accepting the commission, which he called a "fresh challenge".

    Helen 3

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    Post  Helen 3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:38 pm

    Headline:Your pictures: Fields
    Lead:there are a lot of pictures taken by the photographers about fields at such a time!they are so beautiful!
    Helen 3

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    Post  Helen 3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:40 pm

    Headline:Diana Nyad defies jellyfish stings in Cuba-US swim bid
    Lead:Endurance athlete Diana Nyad is continuing her bid to swim 103 miles (166km) from Cuba to Florida - after stopping to receive medical treatment.

    She was given treatment on a support vessel after being stung, apparently by a jellyfish, around her face and eyes.

    The 62-year-old set out from the Cuban capital Havana at 18:00 local time (22:00 GMT) on Friday.

    The Los Angeles woman is looking to break her own record for open-water swimming without a shark cage.

    Her first attempt at the swim, in August, was cut short by an 11-hour asthma attack.

    Helen 3

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Re: Week 3/4 Assignments

    Post  Helen 3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:47 pm

    Headline:Share this page Email
    405ShareFacebookTwitter.Indonesia suicide bomber strikes church in Solo
    Lead:25 September 2011 Last updated at 08:09 GMT Share this pageEmail Print Share this page

    405ShareFacebookTwitter.Indonesia suicide bomber strikes church in Solo
    The bomber is reported to have struck as worshippers were leaving a Sunday service Continue reading the main story
    Related Stories
    Profile: Jemaah Islamiah
    Indonesia church row raises fears of sectarian conflict
    Indonesia country profile
    A Protestant church in Indonesia's central Java province has been hit by a suspected suicide attack, say police.

    A police spokesman told reporters that only the suspected bomber had died but that at least 15 other people were injured in the blast in Kepunton, Solo.

    Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country but is officially a secular state.

    Radical Islamist groups have carried out a number of deadly attacks in the past few years.

    Witnesses said the bomber struck as people were leaving the Bethel Injil Sepuluh church after a Sunday service.

    Some witnesses said three other people had been killed, but Lt Col Djihartono told the AFP news agency that only the bomber was confirmed dead.

    "We're still investigating if there are other people killed," he said, adding that an anti-terror unit was on the scene collecting evidence.


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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty News

    Post  Lina Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:06 pm

    Lina class3

    This passage talks about one of the greatest educators in China - Confucius' attitude toward education.He thought that he would turn in his grave if he knew how many students in China are learning by rote these days. He would get even more upset if he knew that almost all are taught the same way regardless of their different levels of aptitude and attitude. So different students shoud use different ways tu teach them such as his students:Zi Lu Ran You Yan Hui. These students were his successfull example.One of his primary principles was "teaching according to each student's ability

    His Utopia was a place where "a public spirit will rule all under the heaven when the great Way prevails
    Anna class3

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty The new leader of HP company

    Post  Anna class3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:02 pm

    On 23 September 2011,HP had announced that Leo Apotheker has been replaced as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard by Meg Whitman, the former head of eBay.Because Mr Apotheker was in the job less than a year, but had overseen a collapse in the share price and a fall in sales.
    tiffany class3

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    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty Rubgy World Cup fever in New Zealand

    Post  tiffany class3 Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:09 pm

    HEADLINE:Fans go wild:Rubgy World Cup fever in New Zealand
    LEAD:The 2011 Rugby World Cup is in full swing, and the four-yearly tournament has attracted fans from all over the world to the stadiums of New Zealand.
    20 countries from six different continents, with fans showing their support in colors and forms.Although only one team can emerge with the next month, it must crowned on October 23.

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    Post  Liz Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:32 pm

    Headline:the controvercy between China and USA
    Lead:Regardless of China's repeated solemn representations, the U.S. administration announced a new arms package worth 5.852 billion U.S. dollars to Taiwan
    Mr. Tye
    Mr. Tye

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    Age : 37
    Location : Baotou, Inner Mongolia

    Week 3/4 Assignments Empty JAMES CLASS 3

    Post  Mr. Tye Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:59 pm

    Name: James
    Summary: A lot of people are regularly accused of being too confident. However, the highest achievers are more often than not those who over-rate their ability, according to the news. For many years, there hasn’t been a good explanation for why we’re so confident,. Now I know that it is reasonable after reading this news. The confidence is surely pretty good quality and it makes a great many people successful.However,the over-confidence can also cause problems and lead to wrong decision making, unrealistic expectations, danger and failure. So we are not inferior but shouldn’t be over-confident either.

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